We just purchased one and are finding the location of the center of the design is to far away from the placket.
I used it for the first time yesterday on a one off men's Gildan 8800 XL left chest. Lining it up as instructed positioned the center of the design below the last button.
I moved it up one level (to the womens) which gave the correct height and did the sew out. While the height look good it was 5" to center off the placket which pushes it to close to the sleeve.
Lining up a Large as instructed gave the correct height but still 5" to center off the placket. Am I missing something here?
Yes because there is no substitute for using your eye and common sense to locate a logo.
the auto placement devices like the one you have and one or two others on the market make no allowance for different logo sizes , layouts and the general look on the shirt.
INHO without seeing the logo on the shirt it seems 5 inches off center is way too much unless you are on a 4Xl or 5XL garment.
the rule of thumb is offset = where the collar edge touches the shoulder at the top of the shirt.
Distance down is roughly 2/3 the width of the sleeve opening at the shirt body.
lay the garment flat throw down a paper print of the logo, use you eye and common sense to adjust as required mark the center with a piece of everyday chalk. then throw the garments on your new hooper to speed the process of actually hooping the shirt to the center mark you made.
If you have a bunch of common sizes then re-set you hooper device to locate the logo where you eye and common sense defined it and then you can rock and roll on the balance of the same sizes. Reset for each new size and style.
It ain't rocket science BUT IT AIN"T AUTOMATIC like the hooping manufacturers tell you it is.
