Author Topic: Workhorse Falcon 14 Color - It's time!  (Read 1194 times)

Offline LuckyFlyinROUSH

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Workhorse Falcon 14 Color - It's time!
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:20:13 AM »
So check is in the mail for our new press...of course more colors. I need to sell this one, I know not many people on here use presses this large, or this brand, so if anyone is interested or knows anyone who is interested, or knows a guy who sells presses. You are more than welcome to sell it and we will send you a commission check!

2005 Workhorse Falcon
14 Color /16 Station
Huge printing space. Throw standard 23x31 in or every other head for a 36" longx40" wide screen and print all over prints. You can adjust for any size screen you have.

Comes with 16x22 pallets, 14 squeegees, 14 Floods

3 HUGE flash units, 3 zone

Currently has 2.35m prints on it. Goes up daily as its still in production.

It's printing 10 color jobs right now, only some chopper cylinders need to be rebuilt/ replaced (normal wear and tear). Other than that everything is in good shape!

Come stop by at any time to take a look at it, set up a job, or run a job.


We will dis-assemble it for you and help you load it, or crate it. Depending on distance we can work a deal to re-assemble the press for you.

I spend too much money on equipment...