OK, just to make you feel a little better. Forgot about the pellons left on the press from the night before, had worker fire up press and flashes to cycle it while we went and looked at the production board, an easy 50 yds from press. Pellons warmed up, curled up, caught on fire. Proceeded to catch every screen there after on fire. Polyester mesh burns like a fire cracker. Heard popping noises and looked around to see all 6 screens on press lit up, air tubes catching fire, dust woolies catching fire. Thank God for fire extinguishers by the press, by the ovens. Emptied 4 of em on the press. Yellow powder every place for years to come. Coulda been far worse. Got rid of chemical powder extinguishers and bought expensive halon (SP) gas extinguishers. Had to replace most air lines, prox sensors with wire, and the nicely burn't paint job kept as a reminder never to leave the press running without an operator near by to watch.