I have 2 color design going on a black shirt...and I need to put a stroke on only SOME areas of the underbase.....which i can do...BUT...when the other images of the underbase lay on top of the areas i apply a stroke to it creates a break in the stroked image....and now i need the areas with the breaks to have the stroke.
i attached a pdf of the underbase..the fingernail and the lips are going to be red..going on a black shirt.
i put the stroke in green around the lip area and fingernail area to show the 1 point stroke..this is where i need the stroke to be all around the exposed area of the lips...you can see if you expand the image that when the finger is laid over the lips the side of the lips that outline the finger, there is no stroke...how do i get a stroke on the lips in that area?
It is a 1 point stroke...is that enough?..should i go 2 points?