Tony gave me a lead on a 8/10 diamondback that I was ready to seal the deal on. I spent a lot of time lining up financing for the press, figuring travel, forklift rental, moving truck etc. I had tried all day to place a deposit to hold the press, but that day he was unavailable due to medical reasons / Ct scan / whatever. The next morning he told me the press was sold. That same day the press was listed on digitsmith by the owner. No idea what happened, I was corresponding with tony for 4-5 days prior to get info / seal the deal. Fortunately I was able to make a deal on an old 6/8 gauntlet press. the hot rod gauntlet thread here gave me some hope :). In retrospect I'm glad that I was able to pay cash for this machine, and avoid the travel / hassle / risk of a lease payment. I can't vouch for Tony Parinella, but this is my experience. I'm in the Dave Ramsey camp of finance, so I'm glad I didn't borrow money for a machine.
You are much smarter than most! I too reside in the Dave Ramsey camp! However most all of these new toys (machines,etc,)
would disappear, FAST if this logic prevailed!
I said Tony is honest IMHO, I did not say smart!
LOCATORS= craigslist, internet, etc. Which relies on "good word" of the seller, i.e. screen printer (dangerous area)
If they are selling a piece, it is described as a "Cadillac". And buying the same machine? well its a "junker"
Can good deals be found? No doubt. TINSTAAFL! " There is no such thing as a free lunch" Do your homework.
Personally. I like to LOOK, LISTEN,HEAR TOUCH a machine, if I am Interested, or I have someone who I trust
to do the same. Even then, there can still be problems. BUT! You can also save a ton of money... If you do the above!