Author Topic: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland  (Read 8318 times)

Offline Frog

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Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:57:42 AM »
I finally decided to pull the trigger on a cutter
I do cad cut regularly, but have a buddy who'll cut for me. It's great, but just not always convenient, and sometimes adds days to orders which could be next day.

In over ten years, I've only once needed a roll wider than 15" so I've been eyeing the Graphtec CE 6000-40. In fact, I bought one, but am returning this particular one.
A few days ago, Coastal had a special on it, $1195 and throw in three rolls of Easyweed (about $100 bonus) I got interested again, then came across an "open box like new condition" from another shop for $899.
Turns out that Graphtec won't honor the warranty unless a a paid inspection by an authorized tech clears it. Had two cracks in the case as well, so, back it goes (on their dime)
Because of these searches, I got ads for a Roland GX-24 for $1295. Looked pretty good for the little more money, but I noticed that all of the original software references were ancient! Windows XP, Vista, and CorelDRAW 10-12. Though it is more than likely still compatable with newer Widows, AI and Corel, I think that it has been superseded by the GS-24, at about $2000, way more than the $1100 that whetted my appetite in the first place.

I may have a source for the Graphtec at $1095, but am looking into whether the warranty will still be honored, as that first experience taught me that they are fussy about original ownership.

What do you guys think? (and no, I'm a little leery of $300 cutters from US Cutter.)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 02:23:09 AM by Frog »
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Offline pwalsh

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2015, 07:04:09 AM »
I finally decided to pull the trigger on a cutter
I do cad cut regularly, but have a buddy who'll cut for me. It's great, but just not always convenient, and sometimes adds days to orders which could be next day.

In over ten years, I've only once needed a roll wider than 15" so I've been eyeing the Graphtec CE 6000-40. In fact, I bought one, but am returning this particular one.
A few days ago, Coastal had a special on it, $1195 and throw in three rolls of Easyweed (about $100 bonus) I got interested again, then came across an "open box like new condition" from another shop for $899.
Turns out that Graphtec won't honor the warranty unless a a paid inspection by an authorized tech clears it. Had two cracks in the case as well, so, back it goes (on their dime)
Because of these searches, I got ads for a Roland GX-24 for $1295. Looked pretty good for the little more money, but I noticed that all of the original software references were ancient! Windows XP, Vista, and CorelDRAW 10-12. Though it is more than likely still compatable with newer Widows, AI and Corel, I think that it has been superseded by the GS-24, at about $2000, way more than the $1100 that whetted my appetite in the first place.

I may have a source for the Graphtec at $1095, but am looking into whether the warranty will still be honored, as that first experience taught me that they are fussy about original ownership.

What do you guys think? (and no, I'm a little leery of $300 cutters from US Cutter.)

Andy:  Both Graphtec and Roland make great cutters that will perform at a high level for many years.  I know that you're a Frugal Frog, but given that you've decided to take the plunge on this pro-series equipment I'd advise you to buy a brand new in the box unit from the supplier who offers you the best deal. 

Even if you paid $300 - $400 more for  brand new and in the box with full warranty and manufacturer support, versus the less expensive slightly used deals that are out on the market.  At the end of the day the additional equipment acquisition cost would only represent a few dollars a month higher cost over the life of the equipment.
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
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Offline Doug B

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2015, 07:20:39 AM »
  I agree with new. Our other plant has bought both used and cheap Chinese junk- and
that's just what it is even though it looks pretty. They are now showroom (museum)
pieces and the new one we bought is used every day. I know you wouldn't want to experiment
with a "good" deal. - Good luck whatever you decide.

Offline StinkyDaddy

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2015, 07:27:07 AM »
I can't speak for the Graphtec, but I bought a used Roland CAMM-1 Pro 30" over 10 years ago and it's still whacking away. Like you, most of my stuff is 15", but there have been a few times when the 30" has been handy. My only issue with it is that it's a serial connection, so I have it hooked up to an old XP machine that's not online or on the network. I do the art on my main workstation and move my cut files to it on a thumb drive. In some ways it's a good setup, that machine is dedicated to cutting vinyl.

Offline Doug B

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2015, 07:31:06 AM »
  By the way, they did wind up with a new Roland.

Offline Frog

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2015, 08:06:09 AM »
What about the GX-24 vs the GS-24?
How close to obsolete is the $700 less GX?
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Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2015, 08:06:48 AM »
I had Graphtec CE5000-60 that I sold 9 months after I purchased it. Sold it for $1200 with free shipping.
Bought Graphtec FC8600-130 after I sold the small one.

CE machine is very good. Very easy to use. For just a cut vinyl, many cutters will do the job.
I would suggest to go with a better equipment and go as big as you can. I would not look into anything smaller than 24" (CE6000-60)
That would be around $1500.
I do not know much about Rolands, but whoever I talked to when I was researching, Summa and Graphtec were two top choices.

Good luck

Offline Sbrem

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2015, 08:15:08 AM »
We have a Roland PNC-1100 that we bought in '94, still running today. Unfortunately, we have to have a really old computer running it, a Mac clone, running System 9. No matter what combination of cables and adapters, it just won't show up on a more current Mac. We've gotten 21 years out of it, so we're OK with getting a new one eventually, and it will be a Roland, which is not a slight against Graphtec in any way, I haven't used one of theirs so I couldn't say.

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Online ericheartsu

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2015, 09:08:10 AM »
we had a roland gx-30, but it was not working for us. It struggled doing perf. cuts on vinyl which is what we did every day. Also it had loads of tracking issues, and pressure issues.

We are getting a graphtec cutter this week!
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Offline tpitman

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2015, 09:22:47 AM »
Ive got the older model of the 24" Graphtec you've been looking at. Had it for 9 or 10 years now. I don't use the cutting software that comes with it, but with an Illustrator plug-in. They've always kept updates available, even though this model is now a legacy model. It's worked great. I bought it new for $1400 based on the reviews of the Chinese cutters that were going for half the price and less, with remarks like, "I didn't realize how bad the Chinese ones were until I bought a good one."
The embroiderer I do work for bought a cheap cutter and for some reason they're still having me cut their vinyl. They've said they'll buy my cutter when I quit, which is going to be in about a year. Meanwhile, I still have a job I use it for every fall.
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Offline Itsa Little CrOoked

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2015, 10:29:17 AM »
I cut (mostly) through a GX-24 from a Win 7 64 bit laptop, dedicated to the job. It can access files on the server, and send the cutting info over to the plotter through a USB cable. Works okay.


I'd like to cut directly from Signlab, our vector program of choice, due to the fact that is what we started with umteen years ago. That is NEVER gonna happen with our setup. I have to do a file export of the cut file through Signlab, and the import the cut file into Roland's Cut Studio in an additional step. Can you say KLUNKY?!?!

We love the cutter as compared to Ye Olde Gerber IV, but some kinds of glitter heat press require the maximum downforce setting of 250 grams.  This is a problem. With a sharp point, we can cut anything we need.  But my barnyard instincts run counter to being forced to turn ANYTHING up to maximum to do a given job.

Something else to consider...


P.S.  We paid 1100 on a craigslist purchase for our GX-24, plus shipping...about 2 years ago.

Offline Frog

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2015, 01:05:16 PM »

Andy:  Both Graphtec and Roland make great cutters that will perform at a high level for many years.  I know that you're a Frugal Frog, but given that you've decided to take the plunge on this pro-series equipment I'd advise you to buy a brand new in the box unit from the supplier who offers you the best deal. 

Even if you paid $300 - $400 more for  brand new and in the box with full warranty and manufacturer support, versus the less expensive slightly used deals that are out on the market.  At the end of the day the additional equipment acquisition cost would only represent a few dollars a month higher cost over the life of the equipment.

At this point in my career (and life) it's not the "life of the equipment" that I think about.  ;)

And thanks to all who responded and messaged me.
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Offline Sbrem

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2015, 03:54:34 PM »
Andy, I'm very sure the GX-24 will take care of you…

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Offline Frog

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2015, 04:22:27 PM »
I am going with Graphtec
Thanks all again
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline royster13

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Re: Cutters - Graphtec vs Roland vs Roland
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2015, 06:56:56 PM »
I am an "off brand" kind of guy......My 2 GCC cutters have served me well.....So if I were looking today an Expert Pro would be it....Under 1,000 for a 24" cutter....