screen printing > Newbie

Glossary of Screen Printing Terminology


Of course I don't have hardly any of the answers for these... but that is what sparked the idea.

I'd think it would be a great asset to the site if you had a glossary with definitions for things like; trap, choke, direct to screen, RIP, 4 color process, simulated process, spot color.

You get the idea.  There are a lot of terms that people take for granted in this business that new guys just don't have a clue.  Like myself, I get what choking an underbase is but I don't fully grasp the concept of trapping.

Just think about it or start adding terms and their definitions to the bottom of this post.

Here's a start.

Great resources and intentions Frog. I read earlier today, that by just linking to another site, (we) don't get the search bot credits when doing that. So, while it's temporarily beneficial to do this to serve the purpose, we should work on building our own to reside here...and when googled, it comes to here and not somewhere else.


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