screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge
Color Fade after Initial Washing
We are working with Matsui Brite Disharge base. When I puchased this product, I asked about the fixer N which improves wash fastness. The supplier told me no one asks for that product and he does not stock it. So we do some testing and after a test wash the color lost a little bit of intensity. I am 99% certain that these test garments achieved full cure. We have experinced the same fade employing the Wilflex plasticharge system. Anyone else here experiencing what we are?
Not discharge but I posted a similar question regarding Fixer N to add to regular 301 OW mixes over at and haven't gotten a reply. I'd read a couple of posts there from a guy who does a lot of waterbased, and he shared some figures on additives to his Matusi ink mixes, and it seems he always adds Fixer N.
I have seen some minute fading from Matsui Discharge after washing as well, nothing huge but I'm a perfectionist so I've been wondering the same thing. I'm going to order some Fixer N and see if it helps.
I'm running a Hix NPI 48" infrared dryer, 19' with 12' of heat, dual forced air fans, 350 degrees, 2.5-3 min dwell and am 99% sure we're curing fully as well. I have read around that Fixer N is a good measure if you're not using a gas dryer, but can't be sure about that.
I've seen minor fading from sericol, wilflex, and rutland discharge inks as well, so maybe it is to some degree the nature of the beast. Will report back on the results with Fixer N.
Thanks squeegee! My concern is will the fixer "N" speed up the ink drying in the screens.
I got some coming tomorrow for a discharge run, so can let you know on that as well.
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