We've tried that here and found that the time spent perfectly aligning the tape to the pallet rubber...or worse, cleaning up the tac and lint from someone else's botched attempt...that time was better spent doing, well, pretty much anything else actually productive.
We didn't fold over or tape, we just used razors to slice off up to the edge of the rubber. It takes an extra 5 or 6 seconds, tops. So long as your pallet rubber is very clean and nobody tacs the front or rear edge of the pallet too much it stayed nice and secure and wouldn't peel up.
I guess, essentially, you are going to spend the time somewhere. If you can be sure that everyone who tapes pallets will be doing it precisely I'd say the 16" tape is fine...but we run 4 machines that none of the people are chained to. Not to mention turnover on second shift. You wouldn't even know who you had to sit down and have a pep talk with or even if they still worked there...and even if you could most people either don't care enough or have wildly varying ideas of what "good enough" means.