Author Topic: Pulse Offers Variable Stitch Density In Latest Version of Tajima DG/ML Software  (Read 1242 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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One of the newest features in the latest version of Tajima DG/ML by Pulse is a tool that allows the digitizer to change the stitch density within the same segment. Not only does it allow a user to create cool new effects, but it also can lower stitch counts and save money.

With this new tool, stitch density can be changed in satin or complex fill stitches to create a fill with jagged edges. This technique is ideal for use in creating handmade, rugged, or vintage looking embroidered designs that play off the ongoing popularity of distressed and retro trends.

As soon as stitches are generated using the variable density function, they can be viewed with or without saving them. So digitizers can play around with the tool and keep only versions they are happy with.

The variable density tool is available only in Maestro. It gives creative digitizers another way to create unique, innovative embroidery that will set their work apart from the competition.

For more information, contact Hirsch International at 800-394-4426; e-mail:; or visit the Web site at