Author Topic: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact  (Read 2205 times)

Offline Hey Monkey

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Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« on: May 09, 2015, 04:37:11 PM »
So overall? LOVE this press. Except for one thing... Setting off contact. I am finally sitting down today with no jobs and trying to set each arm to 1/8" or so. I am getting it but it feels like the knobs for setting the off-contact have a mind of their own. A few questions for you 2000 owners

1. Why would there even be a need to set the off-contact with two knobs? Isn't the goal to have it be even across the entire platen? Not sure why there isn't just an "up and down." I am sure it is just being naive and new to a higher end press.
2. The locking levers. You get the off contact set and when you relock the levels it raises the platen up and pretty much negates all the adjustments I just made. Am I loosening them too much?

Sigh. Learning.

Offline Frog

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 04:49:35 PM »
So overall? LOVE this press. Except for one thing... Setting off contact. I am finally sitting down today with no jobs and trying to set each arm to 1/8" or so. I am getting it but it feels like the knobs for setting the off-contact have a mind of their own. A few questions for you 2000 owners

1. Why would there even be a need to set the off-contact with two knobs? Isn't the goal to have it be even across the entire platen? Not sure why there isn't just an "up and down." I am sure it is just being naive and new to a higher end press.
2. The locking levers. You get the off contact set and when you relock the levels it raises the platen up and pretty much negates all the adjustments I just made. Am I loosening them too much?

Sigh. Learning.

Not familiar with the V2000, but on many presses that pivot the screen heads, the main off contact knob doesn't work keeping the screen parallel to the board. It changes it at an angle that may have to then be adjusted with another knob.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Hey Monkey

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2015, 04:55:02 PM »
Thats the thing... there is no main off-contact knob. There are three. Front pitch and left and right pitch. And you have to keep running around to all three to get it right. Or at least I do and it is confusing me.

Offline Hey Monkey

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2015, 05:22:51 PM »
Probably a matter of just adjusting and playing and doing it enough that it becomes second nature.

Offline Shanarchy

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2015, 07:02:01 PM »
I wasn't sure the reason of a left and right when I had mine either. I'm guessing for helping with warped frames?

When you tighten the bolt back up to lock it in, it will raise it if I remember right. Gently push down to keep it snug while tightening. That should help.

Lift the screen angle a little. Just enough so the it's a hair higher.  work on getting the back of the screen (closest to the head) where you want it, then lower the screen angle to put it where you want it. The left to right is more important than the front to back.

Also, check you tube. Vastex has some videos online. They are great presses.

Offline Frog

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2015, 07:34:48 PM »
Would using a sheet of [plexiglass or something else of the correct thickness) help keep everything in position if a little pressure is applied to the screen while snugging all knobs or levers?
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline mooseman

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2015, 09:55:51 PM »
we have a 2000 love it and we set the off contact on every job and here is why.....
we have Newman MZX frames some we bought new some we bought used.
 Depending on how deep the square bar sets into the clamp head
depending on how perpendicular the side tubes are to the square tube
depending on how some of the registration posts are standing a little higher than others
depending on how good you are at getting the platens parallel, level and all the same with those freaking bolts and the double nut arrangement that attach the platens to the press arms........

bottom line there are too many variables to expect once you set the off it is good to go on all.

some tips........
on the off contact bolts don't back them off so they are real loose.
we leave them snug enough that if we are moving the head down we need to push it down, if we are raising it we need to crank a bit on the knobs . Otherwise yes  there is a bunch of movement that will change you settings when you tighten all up.
On the locking levers, kind of  the same thing, yes with the load of the screen on the head clamp it will sag and when you sock down the locking levers it will pull up changing your OC.

You need to set your pallets up all the same.
Throw a screen or plexi-glass or even a 12 x 12 floor tile in one head and jerk around with the bolts on the pallet bracket to dial them all in the same to that one head and the item you have clamped there.
Once you have that done you need to check OC on every job again because of the variables mentioned above.
At the end of the day it is like putting on the same green but from a different angle and distance each two puts are the same and no two screens will ever associate with the pallet  the same every time.
Learn to manage the variables and all those knobs are your friends.

Offline Hey Monkey

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Re: Vastex 2000 Off-Contact
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2015, 08:13:39 PM »
Thanks everyone! I DO love the press, just that part has been a bit maddening and confusing. I spent a lot of time yesterday getting each head set up and while I know I will need to check and adjust per job I at least have them all within spitting distance of each other.