screen printing > Separations


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It rebuilds the file greyscale, ( but 'ripped' into bitmaps beforehand ) keeping the names/opacity of the channels intact.
If you view it at 12.5%, 25%,50%,etc, you get essentially the same view you would while lining all your
positives up on the lighttable,for pre-print checking, and you can use it as a rip as well.
I process my files at 600dpi, 40lpi, 22.5 angle, and round dot.
For the mesh we use, and the art I generally print, this works dandy.
A good many of my freelance customers appreciate just hitting print as well, when I send them seps,
which, I still usually place in a DRAW file ( Corel's compression keeps the file size small ), if they don't
have a rip of any sort.


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