Author Topic: Svecia squeegee  (Read 942 times)

Offline domineight

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Svecia squeegee
« on: September 01, 2016, 04:24:59 AM »

It's been a while since I've seen this dinosaur squeegee extrusion, but I've got a fair bit of it to fill with a suitable thane. It's been more than a while since I've seen anything other than 50X9mm regardless of which colour or collection of colours.

I recall this relic from my youth but even that was a while ago now. I have 35X7mm floating around in my head to fill this extrusion, that might just be the lacquer thinner talking though.

That's a fair chunk of ali too, not far off the size of a piece of framing timber, the pic isn't that clear but the bite to hold the thane is pretty small which is making me think of the shorter squeegee profile.

Common sense is telling me to bin this extrusion and start with something more relevant,  I kinda like the nostalgia though, and the replacement ali is ridiculously expensive to cover getting two small/mid format sveciamatic four-poster running. So I'm inclined to give these a good go anyway. I got by in my teens with it on a printmaster so another 25 years experience should see me survive it.

If I could only remember the correct squeegee profile...
Anyone think 7X35mm in a double duro sounds about right?

« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 04:27:28 AM by domineight »