Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
He said dry pigment.That is not dispersed pigment. Dispersed pigment is what you will see in a pigment mixing system. Typically dry pigment is mixed with a plasticiser and the percent of dry pigment to plasticiser will very greatly.As for white pigment being a third of the ink. That is by weight, not volume. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is really heavy.As for going non Phthalate hurting rheology: Didn't happen to every ink company.
Whats white plastisol?
Speaking of WB/DC, we finally had a customer that wanted to do it on their next job so we will be doing our first DC job since 2014. We've done somewhere around 800 jobs in between DC jobs.
Back on track with the original posts . We ordered in a bucket of osi production white and will be testing it tomorrow head to head with wilflex quick white.