screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!

Static frames are better than retensionable

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Somewhere there is a screen stretcher crying... GREAT ideas!

G Dammit......In the last 2 years I've had the glue come off of about 8 aluminum statics.

And what did I do?

Gave them to my neighbor who welds and tinkers with aluminum stuff.

Dohhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I just KNOW he won't give em back !!

Here's one hiding away under the work table keeping some rarely used platens off the floor. The screws are just as tight today as the day it was made.

that stuff is rated at more than 5 antlers up but when this system was developed we never thought we would see this level of cool.
Creativity, whimsy and down right cool.
Now if you can convert your next static  to a star gate or worm hole you be da man!


I did use one as a pretensioned squareicular reversed phase time conduit initiator but lost it in 2018. When we get there I'll post pics.


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