screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!
Static frames are better than retensionable
I don't know what all the hubbub is about static frames not being as good as retensionable. I have static frames that I've used for years.
I have a 20x24 that has helped unroll lots of backing and platen tape.
3 20x24's that have done an excellent job of organizing the heat press station.
Where would my Newmans be without the 23x31 drip rack?
And last but not least a hard working basket for my new 54" dryer.
I must be missing something because I just can't see retensionables doing that.
ROFL. -- Pure win!
Haha, Amazing!!
You sir have just won the internet today!
Make it to ISS Long Beach or SGIA Atlanta and the beer is on me!
Thanks. My wife always tells me we don't have enough money to buy something but failed to say anything about making it. So now we have a shop full of redneck creations.
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