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DIY washout booth filter setups. Show me yours!

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Stinkhorn Press:
bringing back an old post.

my filter system in the old shop was a simple tube made from metal screen (think paper towel tube size) stuffed into the drain of our washout booth (which was a full sized porcelain tub).

following mooseman's oft-imitated lead of building a DIY settling tank.

found this link for a 3/1 pretty basic build as well. thought it might be useful to some people

XG Print:
We have the same type of Mooseman but using a 55 gallon drum I purchased for $20.  Very easy to set up and works like a dream.  I will take some pics later and post.

I utilize a couple settling tanks, but the drain output from the washout booth first goes through a pair of pantyhose.  The drain splits into a Y, and utilizes both legs of the pantyhose.  I just changed pantyhose a couple weeks ago, and it was amazing how much crud was in the nylons.  The legs were all caked up.  It's a pretty cheap 1st filter.

Why do I have a feeling this thread is going to take a nasty turn?

I have been running that grease trap for a little over a year now. I need to pull the cover off and see what's inside and how much is getting past it. All of my drain pipe is serviceable out to the grinder pump that pumps it uphill into the sewer.


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