Recommendations based on my shop's previous troubles:
- Give your screens an extra coat of emulsion. We coat 2/1 round side.
- Burn for 75% longer than you are now for discharge/wb screens. Aquasol HV has a very wide exposure latitude and with good films you can push it pretty far before it locks up. We almost doubled our exposure time on a 10k MH unit and the image still opens beautifully.
- Use some type of reclaimable hardener, Murakami makes one called MS Hardener. We soak our screens with it and throw them in the sun for a bit.
We use Aquasol HVP without diazo and no longer have any issues with screen breakdown, even on very long runs. I know this doesn't pertain to the Starlight specifically, but you should see a major difference regardless of the exposure unit you are using. We've also done test runs without the hardener and haven't seen breakdown with the longer burn times, but we use it anyways as a safeguard.