Artist > Works In Progress-art process

Funkmotobootyfinkystangalistic WIP

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Sir Nose would be proud.

Got a gig, just sharin

I landed a cool RatFinkish gig recently.  I wouldn't say it's total Fink, just influenced.  I'm honored to be asked.

Here's some WIP stuff.

Can't wait to see the finished product, dude you keep on and your going to be at the top of this industry as the art guy to go to before long.


If I can just get somewhere in the middle I'll be thrilled.  I wish some of the guys would post more here, then folks could see what's really goin on.  Amazing works.  Pretty cool to watch them do their thing.

I penciled some modifications over my blueline print.  It's ready to ink now.

blue moon:

wicked stuff as always! Are we going to see the little lizard dude in this one?  ;D


Mr Tees!!:
...I had BoldLineDesign do something similar to this, but printing as opposed to driving. Its very cool. We will use it for a shop shirt here, someday, when I have time to get it ready to print.

Mat... if you see this, feel free to post it up (and can you send me that file again? It went to some unknown folder, and I cannot seem to find it now.)


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