Author Topic: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.  (Read 6926 times)

Offline ZooCity

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2015, 08:00:19 PM »

Note the 18 head press with five many stateside shops are pvc free at this point?  I'm impressed that any shop can manage to go all HSA.

Where in the vid did you see that? I must have checked twenty times, mostly looking for an oval...

Yeah, props to them, that's tough.

The real question, what emulsion, and do they use LEDs...

about 3:36

Offline jsheridan

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2015, 12:48:22 AM »
Aha, that makes sense. We frequently double stroke HSA as well.
Paramount only runs HSA. Plastisol is no longer used there.

Note the 18 head press with five many stateside shops are pvc free at this point?  I'm impressed that any shop can manage to go all HSA.

I imagine they had to go pvc free as they deal with some clients who dictate what nks you can and cant use, much easier to just make the switch and be done with it.
Its  coming faster than many realize. Just as the phalate compliant inks finally set it and we got used to printing and cleaning up after them, the pvc free game is gonna roll some heads. those that get in now will have the head start.
Blacktop Graphics Screenprinting and Consulting Services

Offline blue moon

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2015, 09:37:06 AM »
Aha, that makes sense. We frequently double stroke HSA as well.
Paramount only runs HSA. Plastisol is no longer used there.

Note the 18 head press with five many stateside shops are pvc free at this point?  I'm impressed that any shop can manage to go all HSA.

I imagine they had to go pvc free as they deal with some clients who dictate what nks you can and cant use, much easier to just make the switch and be done with it.
Its  coming faster than many realize. Just as the phalate compliant inks finally set it and we got used to printing and cleaning up after them, the pvc free game is gonna roll some heads. those that get in now will have the head start.

or the head headache! we wnet phthalae free few years back and suffered greatly while the ink company learned to make the ink properly. The colors were off straight out of the bucket, they were changing shades as they aged, printability was inconsistent. suppliers did not stock, manufacturers were out too and so on. We'll not be going through that any more. I'll wait for the dust to settle his time around.

Working on a new web page, we have two for now. and

Offline jvanick

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2015, 10:21:04 AM »
I believe it'll be a long time before the general customer wants to pay for HSA inks...

- think of all the added cost of running a flash after just about every color (or gasp, revolver mode)
- the added time of doublestroking (although with table-up multistroke or drop-screen type presses, the added time to stroke a 2nd time with thin(er) inks probably isn't as bad as some of us make it out to be)

Offline jsheridan

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2015, 10:40:35 AM »
I believe it'll be a long time before the general customer wants to pay for HSA inks...

- think of all the added cost of running a flash after just about every color (or gasp, revolver mode)
- the added time of doublestroking (although with table-up multistroke or drop-screen type presses, the added time to stroke a 2nd time with thin(er) inks probably isn't as bad as some of us make it out to be)

We said the exact same thing about the phtalate inks.. they cost soo much! and now its the norm. It was a tough transition for many people and shelves are still full of "classic" inks. The more we resist the change the costlier it will be.

I know rich has that in mind with the CHIII not dropping the carousel and being able to double stoke as quick as some of the older machines can single stroke. The new ovals have already answered those questions of how do i keep adding more heads for all these flashes.

ive dabbled in HSA and when it worked it was cool, then there were days were nothing worked and hair was pulled out. Im actually looking forward to the technology that will come with the inks from art to screens.
Blacktop Graphics Screenprinting and Consulting Services

Offline jvanick

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2015, 11:09:22 AM »
thing is the switch from classic inks didn't add to the 'expense' cost of running a job in time or production speed once everybody got used to them.

flashing after every color == a LOT more electricity used and needed in a typical shop...

I wonder how long it'll be before somebody figures out a WoW HSA ink solution...

Offline mk162

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2015, 01:04:45 PM »
not only an increase in electricity but an increase in equipment expense and/or increased production times...6 color presses will be virtually useless except for 2 color jobs unless you want to run them around 4 times.

Offline 3Deep

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2015, 02:38:31 PM »
New technology and inks will cost someone in the end you roll with it or get out the game.
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Offline Sbrem

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2015, 03:51:24 PM »
New technology and inks will cost someone in the end you roll with it or get out the game.

Yes, but it seems to me that a lot of stuff is rolled out early to start to get back some of the R&D costs, and they just aren't ready, costing us more. T-jet anyone?

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Offline jsheridan

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2015, 04:18:33 PM »

flashing after every color == a LOT more electricity used and needed in a typical shop..

I wonder how long it'll be before somebody figures out a WoW HSA ink solution...

This problem of WOW is really only a US based problem due to our 1-and-done way of printIng. Go across the pond or jump the fence and it has always been a print flash print kind of thing.

Its not up to the world to meet our expectations of printing, its  up to us to figure out how to use what the world is offerIng.
Blacktop Graphics Screenprinting and Consulting Services

Offline 3Deep

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Re: Hot Market vid on Super Bowl tees.
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2015, 04:59:58 PM »

flashing after every color == a LOT more electricity used and needed in a typical shop..

I wonder how long it'll be before somebody figures out a WoW HSA ink solution...

This problem of WOW is really only a US based problem due to our 1-and-done way of printIng. Go across the pond or jump the fence and it has always been a print flash print kind of thing.

Its not up to the world to meet our expectations of printing, its  up to us to figure out how to use what the world is offerIng.

Yeah I sometimes think US printers seem to think we are superior in a way, and if it's not done like we do it's subpar.  I've seen some very crazy styles of printing and pretty much done manually produce some very nice prints...yep we just have to deal with it
Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!