Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
good that it's not rocking, that means likely your center shaft bearings are in good condition....on that press, there's 2 points to adjust the indexer...first point, is the nuts at the end of the rod that attach to the index cylinder under the table. (big long cylinder)... this point controls the 'start' point or the table down position. you should adjust until the table 'falls' into the registration fork smoothly on table down.point 2 will be to adjust the index shock... this controls where the table stops when indexing... there's a jam nut on the index shock that will need to be loosened, and then there's hopefully enough distance that you can move off the HUGE nut at the end of the index shock to compensate so when it finishes indexing it goes directly into the registration gates.best thing to do here if this is at all unclear is to give workhorse a call... Phil or any of the guys at their support department should be able to help you get it working.Congrats on joining the auto world.Feel free to drop me a pm if there's anything I can help with... our first auto was a Javelin, we made a lot of money with that press, and I did all the maintenance and rebuilding of it.
There is a setting on the Sportsman (at least on our 2011) that incrementally adjusts the index soit rises smoothly into forks. Works great since many times only small amounts from home position +/- are needed.Call the tech service first, may save $$ and headache.
Removing the forks is a really good way to make sure your press won't register between arms until you get a Z-Bar and Micrometer.Please don't do this.X2