screen printing > Newbie

Best way for a girl to pull/push a squeegee?

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Yeah, I have no understanding of how hard to push myself.  So I'm certainly nobody to be teaching anything.

I just try to make it make that "Zip" sound when the squeegee slides over the mesh.  The problem in the past is that she hasn't even been able to do that.

Last night she made a 95% decent print... I didn't get to witness it as I was catching a shirt to see how it cured on the dryer (so far unsure of that).

Eventually, when you have some emulsion on the squeegee side, you may not hear the same "zip"

Also, as has been mentioned by Waynexpress in another thread, a warped board makes it tough to clear the screen in one stroke.

I wouldn't say my platen is perfect but it has only a small arc...   With a straight edge on the center maybe a mm on each side... probably not even that much.

I've always heard the "zip" sound even with emulsion.


--- Quote from: Donnie on September 12, 2011, 10:59:13 AM ---Try removing your hands from her boobs while she prints. It helped my wife a bunch.   ;)

--- End quote ---

But weren't you weren't holding her boobs to keep them from dragging through the ink when she reached to pull the squeegie?

My wife name is on my business checks but has never pulled a squeegee.

She did use the heat press to put numbers on jerseys when I had arm surgery.
I had to loosen the heat press pressure cause she couldn't get it to clamp down ???


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