screen printing > Newbie

Properly setting up Antec Lengend

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I have one of these, in the manual it explains everything on how to put it together.
I would call Antec and have them send you one.  If not, feel free to call me.

It's pretty simple to get the pallets on straight with the Legend. Since the pallet bracket is the same width of the pallet arm, I just slide the pallet into place, and then use both my hands to make sure the bracket is flush on both sides and then I tighten them up. Never had a problem with crooked prints. In terms of off contact, I have the newer heads with the two knobs that adjust the height, so I usually just put a screen in the head and lower it onto a pallet and then tweak the two knobs, as well as, the off contact setting underneath the head, until I get the screens off contact consistent throughout the pallet. I never need to tape anything in the front of a screen for off contact, I'm usually able to get the settings just right so the off contact is consistent from front to back.

As far as the side clamp debate goes, I'm not against or for them per say. I've printed with them before and it was way to heavy, but there was also M3 screens on the press so that may have had something to do with it also. I really don't think it's going to make a difference, registration wise.

Denis Kolar:
Like Nation said, just make sure that the bottom of the bracket is flush with the arm. As for getting everything dialed in, you should start leveling from the bottom. Place the machine in the spot where you want it to sit (permanently), level the stand and then start leveling the arms and platens. Make sure that your pallets are at the same distance from the floor. Decide where you will be standing when printing, and do all of your finalizing touches from that spot.

Like you said, off contact is that bolt on the bottom and the middle adjusting bolt on the head. You have to loosen up the two bolts on the back of the head to adjust the off contact and pitch on the head.
Good luck.

Just a little note on rear vs. side clamps.
In days of yore, when most screens were wood framed, warping was much more common, side clamps especially desirable to help level them out, as well as take the strain off of the two rear corner joints., a common failure point.
Many also like the easy in/out adjustment available for things like name drops.

Shawn (EIP):

--- Quote from: Frog on September 11, 2011, 11:48:27 AM ---Just a little note on rear vs. side clamps.
In days of yore, when most screens were wood framed, warping was much more common, side clamps especially desirable to help level them out, as well as take the strain off of the two rear corner joints., a common failure point.
Many also like the easy in/out adjustment available for things like name drops.

--- End quote ---

I probably came off as a side clamp hater but I'm actualy looking into one for a second press , mainly so I can load bigger all round newmans since they are so hard to find with a sqaure bar. I have my eye on that Anatol "Thunder" or "Lightening".


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