screen printing > Newbie

Properly setting up Antec Lengend

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Denis Kolar:

--- Quote from: IntegrityShirts on September 13, 2011, 09:25:11 AM ---You'll find that while setting up a job on the Antec it's usually necessary to have a wrench sitting on the press to set off contact for each screen.  Unless all your frames are exactly the same and were made perfectly flat.

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I have noticed the same thing. As long your screens are placed the same way in the head, you should be fine. Registration system would help a lot with this.

Leveling everything once in it's proper place I think is the key.  I never understood all this talk about leveling until I had to mess with this off contact junk.   NOW  I get it! ;)

Denis Kolar:
Like I said in previous posts, start from the bottom and work your way up. When you are done, do not plan on moving your machine, keep it where it is.


--- Quote from: Gilligan on September 13, 2011, 11:34:10 AM ---Leveling everything once in it's proper place I think is the key.  I never understood all this talk about leveling until I had to mess with this off contact junk.   NOW  I get it! ;)

--- End quote ---

It was the same way with me.  I had to see it all in front of me and watch it all work to really understand the parallelism, why it's so important and why it can make the biggest difference in ridding yourself of the common screen printing problems.  There are a number of printing variables that we got better control over that got us over the plateau of average print quality and properly setting up the press was one of them.

Yeah, part of my problem is that my shop looks like screenxpress's before shots.

I DON'T have the press in a permanent place yet.  Lots more cleaning and shuffling of things before I'm there!


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