Author Topic: Am I required to store inks and "flammables" in flammable cabinet  (Read 1267 times)

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The fire inspector came today and I have a few issues that need attention but he did not even look in the cabinet that I have all of the solvents and inks in. I am wondering if he will open the cabinet when he comes back to do the 2nd inspection and then tell me that I now need to buy a "flammables cabinet" ($500-$1000).

Did you have to do anything regarding fire safety for your shop? Any tips on general business license and fire inspections that you can tell me so I am a step ahead of the program here :)

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Re: Am I required to store inks and "flammables" in flammable cabinet
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2015, 12:04:09 AM »
The fire inspector came today and I have a few issues that need attention but he did not even look in the cabinet that I have all of the solvents and inks in. I am wondering if he will open the cabinet when he comes back to do the 2nd inspection and then tell me that I now need to buy a "flammables cabinet" ($500-$1000).

Did you have to do anything regarding fire safety for your shop? Any tips on general business license and fire inspections that you can tell me so I am a step ahead of the program here :)

All this is dependent on state. I know my inspector thought that I had to have my inks in a cabinet. They he told me I was only allowed to have something like 10 gallons in the shop. I told him he was nuts. He read the MSDS shirts wrong or thought the inks were another code for more flammable. He came back and told me I could have like a 5,500 or maybe it was more gallons of it in the shop.

No fire cabinet in my shop. Was not needed.

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Re: Am I required to store inks and "flammables" in flammable cabinet
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2015, 05:55:31 AM »
Plastisol, water base and discharge do not need to be stored in a flammable storage cabinet.
Flammable materials not being used like solvent, solvent inks, the case of web adheasive, spray paint, etc need to be kept in a flammable storage. Small quantities being used can be left out. but local codes and the mood of the inspector can be different. So if you have 10 gallons of solvent ink and 10 cases of spray adheasive they will want that in a cabinet.when possible just keep the quantiles low.

They like to see fire extinguishers, preferably with a tag of some sort or log book to show they are regularly inspected. Signs to indicate where they are that are visible, you can cut them out in red vinyl and stick them on a white sign or print and laminate them. Working smoke detectors. Posted fire plan, drawing of the shop indicating exits, doors and escape routes mounted on the wall by the doors for people to see. No extension cords running across the floor. Minimal amount of clutter and lint. Exit signs over the doors. It's more about dazzling them with that kind of stuff and they will take that you are making an effort. If you have some stuff out there you can ask them what else need to be done.

You can pick up used flammable storage cabinets at surplus stores at a fraction of the new price.

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Re: Am I required to store inks and "flammables" in flammable cabinet
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2015, 08:11:44 AM »
We have 3 left over from when we did a fair amount of flatstock; one of them still has old cans of solvent ink in them. They should "breathe" so vapors can't build up inside from what I remember.

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't