General > General Discussion and ???

it should hurt to be stupid.

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welp. . .that about sums it up. . .Have you ever had a conversation for waaay too long with a brick wall. . and then the wall tumbles over on you and you get mad at yourself for standing next to the brick wall. . .? . .well I have and holy hell, it hurt. . .yeah -I'm stupid.

I had a guy today telling me it was unfair to charge him more money for a smaller quantity of shirts because it's less work -and ink- for me. . .and we went at it for a rather long time. . .I gave up. . .he still didn't get it. . . . .I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with this guy. . .just the logic he was using blows my mind. . .I should ask him who his dealer is. . .

You should have invited him back in the shop and let him watch a job from start to finish, and then see if he still uses the same logic in his argument.

That's my price because it is, if you don't like it why are you still here?

had this happen 2 weeks ago...lady bought 500 shirts for an event.  80 whites, 400something blacks (different screens).  Comes at me again last week, says i need 6 whites and 40 blacks.  I give her the 40pc price and tell her i cant do the 6.  She goes CRAZY...says that i said i would offer her the same price as before on any order amount......No....

Finally she just dropped it i guess and ordered 100 blacks and didnt get any whites...

it was unfair to charge him more money for a smaller quantity

Should have told him..."yeah, that's what I told your girl friend last night".....BOOM! ;D


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