Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
As I later told Ryan on another forum...
Actually, that was not too different from the equally insincere and disingenuous come-on that was my introduction to Ryonet. As I later told Ryan on another forum, some of us actually are influenced by first impressions, (financial success notwithstanding), and would prefer a little more honesty.I think also, maybe some folks are so used to deceit and bullshirt, that, for them, this is seen as acceptable.
On the rare occasions I get to a show, I register under a few names. So I get two name badges. I use my real name for people that I know and want more information from. The carnies that bug me get my fake name. It's always funny to see the reaction of the receptionist when she starts getting phone calls for Lou Stules or Emmerson Biggins.
Mike Litoris was the name for the second badge my father used. We still get 10 plus calls a month asking for Mike, best part is we usually tell the caller we know he is here, just can't find him...