Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Thanks Mike.So basically something like this:And just run a stainless nut and bolt through the terminal on the panel and through this eyelet. Cut wires off old panel and crimp them in the crimp side.Makes a lot more sense than any ideas I had. LOL
While I got the experts attention.In the bottom "box" where the "breaker" is... the leads go through some "post" which are situated in this "ring". I'm assuming that is how it controls the flow of voltage to the panels?The ground lead is wired to the "ring" itself on one side with a what I think is a cap in between the terminals on the ring. I assume this creates an electromagnetic field and those "post" are then allowed to pass the voltage through.Did I get it right? and is this how most dryers are wired?
controls the flow of voltage
I'm trying to get the info from Dan at Workhorse but it seems like no one has a schematic. :(I agree, my description sucks... *shrug* I'll get a pic tonight.BTW, I said: Quotecontrols the flow of voltage for a reason... On and off is controlling voltage. :) I figured that it was off/on but I stated it in more ambiguous terms in case some did it differently.