Computers and Software > Business/Shop Management Programs

TBoss Web, anyone checked this out?


Initially, I'm kinda impressed.  There's a lot of ?s I have that need answered but it's the first functional cloud-based software I've seen for our industry.

The site is a little jankety-looking and I've never heard of this software before (they have a desktop version), but provided you can export a company file of sorts it could be worth a try. 


What, are you not a fan of Comic Sans?


--- Quote from: mk162 on September 08, 2011, 05:05:48 PM ---What, are you not a fan of Comic Sans?

--- End quote ---

haha. no I am not.  or Papryus or gaddamn Bleeding Cowboys for the matter. 

Oh dear god Papyrus. The font of choice for every yoga center, hippie coffee shop and health food store in existence.

I actually judge businesses based on their font usage. Jus' sayin....


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