I haven't heard much about this show. I couldn't make it, again. What did y'all think?
Dave, here is my observation for what it is worth!
It looked very well attended, and people seemed to be in a fairly "upbeat" mood.
I looked up close at the "sabre" press In the Workhorse booth and was pleasantly surprised.
They as a company are really stepping up their game.
I liked Lawsons little two color press(automatic)
I like M&R's Stryker oval. A better designed press than their other ovals. Nice! It looked VERY
close to the ASKME brand from Taiwan.
I liked MHM's New Entry Level Press. A Really Nice Little Machine for the money.
And For My Beloved Sonny, The MHM Oval Looks Cool, But Useless as "tits on a bull"
The MHM Xtreme is Nice as well.
The Sroque machines are super nice! they have placed a lot of machines in a short time, by the
internet supply company. Go figure!
Saw the little Anatol Volt! it does what it does.
Brown Company is also steping up their game as well as Vastex! I was impressed by the amount
of people in their booth. They are really trying!
Action had a nice booth with "cool stuff" for Everybodys Equipment! Eric has worked hard!
Ink companies doing good some nice HSA inks, water base is coming back more mainstream. Plastisol
will still be around for years! Saw incredible HSA prints from Asia, printed on hand tables! WoW
All ink companies are saying the "new inks" are not curing/drying fast enough in most dryers at the
speeds printers are wanting to send thru the tunnel! a big problem in complaints from customers
wanting too much with too little. Not Enough Cure times in the tunnel, at correct temperatures
This leads to the "old idea" of Multi Level Dryers. Saw the New Adelco multi level and It looked Nice!
LED exposure units being made by everyone. They all look good, but I see NO giant differences
between the manufacturers. Everyone has copied the China machines from a couple of years ago.
All use China LEDs! Lots of DTG machines take your pick! they all look pretty cool.
I Heard a "Big" company is being sold! Congrats! Time to smell some roses.