screen printing > Screen Making
What products attack the glue on static Frames
Screened Gear:
I have been having a lot of screens coming unglued. I think it is the GR-70 from CCI? Anyone else having this happen? I have lost 4 screens in the last 2 weeks. I think it maybe the screens since they have all been from the same company.
How old are the screens? I don't deal with statics anymore but I did for years, and sometimes they just go for no other reason than they were poorly made. I've bought statics from a dozen different places and they all had varying degrees of quality and longevity purely based on who I bought them from. I'm not saying the chemical isn't doing the damage, but rather giving you something else to go with in case it isn't.
I remember seeing this spelled out on the CCI site for some products. Call the techs if you can't find the info on their sometimes bewildering site.
Screened Gear:
--- Quote from: alan802 on September 08, 2011, 03:12:53 PM ---How old are the screens? I don't deal with statics anymore but I did for years, and sometimes they just go for no other reason than they were poorly made. I've bought statics from a dozen different places and they all had varying degrees of quality and longevity purely based on who I bought them from. I'm not saying the chemical isn't doing the damage, but rather giving you something else to go with in case it isn't.
--- End quote ---
I think your right ( I thought the same thing.) I have had these for maybe 3 months. I just recleaned 9 with just GR-70 (the guy i had come in did a not so good job) and then gegreesed them and when I came back to coat them 2 had popped. That’s why I think it may be the GR-70.
I will contact CCI and see what they know about it?
Thanks Jon
We had this happen to a lot of ours at one point. I was trying to figure it out for weeks and then it dawned on me. When we sent them back they were grinding the edge of the frame a new way that was not working well. Sent a ton back and they fixed the problem. Take a look at the frame where the mesh is glued on. I would ask your supplier if they started using a new glue or changed something.
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