Appreciate the Kudo's Lucky,
It's very tough to get requested and actually be available at that time also. We are booked early but all attempts are made to accommodate customer request.
Also, I'll note that each and every tech is 100% qualified to do the job required of installs. In fact, the others are "more" experienced at the troubleshooting or inner program workings than I am. I feel we each have our own intense skillset and as a whole, we utilize each others skills very well as s team. For me, I just happen to have more of an art background than a DTG or DTS background and can relate to art needs deeper than most. That's probably true if I were to work for an Ink Co, a chemical Co or a mesh Co. Those other guys have had careers as Printer Techs in some way, before coming to M&R so they really are far beyond me skillset as it pertains to the machine, but I can dance just as well in that area as needed. Where I lack, they help me pick up the slack. I have much appreciation and respect for those guys.
I appreciate the Kudo's for me, but didn't want anyone to walk away thinking they have to get me only.
The art topics I am able to go through are above what is needed for installs.