Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Our shop is in a plaza alone with a Grocery Store, Hair Salon to name a few, and what gets a wild hair up my azz is parking. We all have a few spots for each building to park in front of our business and then a big parking lot out front, but for what ever reason the Salon folks will park in front of our building and walk up to the salon, the laundromat folks will park in front of our building and go wash there cloths, and get this most times there are spots wide azz open in front of there building to park. Why they like parking in our spots drives me F'ing nuts, I hate to be an azzhole but one day I'm just going to go the F off...if you fella's see on the news black business owner in Alabama put in jail over parking space... it will be me!!!!! >:(
the other problem I have are the other tenants here. They park in front of their own business, we don't have a ton of parking out front, so you leave that for customers and employees park on the side, my guys do. We even park around back to leave spaces for the other businesses.