Rob; I feel that many may be unsure about the differences in both product and application over HSA vs Silicone. Why would one choose one over the other? Are there mixing software? May we print wet on wet? Still a little concerned about drying in the screen but you can PM me for address for sample(s)
Hi Tony. Good questions! A few main differences between HSA (waterbase acrylic) and Silicone. I will try to hit the highlights below. As far as a mixing system - we do have base and pigments, obtained Pantone license, have over 1000 formulas matched. However the database is not in a publishable format - shooting for early Q2. Not certain of the software, but are leaning to our web based ColorStar system that is used for Nazdar inks.
Wet-on-Wet? Similar to what you would expect from HSA inks. Large vector areas will need to be flashed between colors. Smaller, tonal areas can probably be run wet without too much trouble - at least for a color or two. Best practice is to flash, but YMMV!
Primary Differences:
Curing- HSA inks - 330F for 2 minutes. Must evacuate all the water to fully cure.
- IMS Silicone - 260F for 1 minute. If needed, lower temps/times can be used and allow for post cure (crosslink)
Bleed/Sublimation Resistance- HSA - Must use gray or black bleed blocker due to the cure temps.
- IMS Silicone - Cure temperature is well below sublimation points of polyester. This is the primary reason silicone is so good on Polyester. Gray UB is available if needed for extremely problematic or dye sub fabrics.
Drying in Screen- HSA - Dependent upon climate. Hot/Wet atmosphere is the best; Cold/Dry is the worst. Can dry in screens rapidly when not moving ink (printing). For instance - during set-up; breaks, etc. Airflow across screen (fans, breeze) accelerates the process.
- IMS Silicone - Dependent only upon HEAT. Humidity plays no role on catalyzed product screen open time. Inks are formulated with retardant, so no additional retardant is generally needed under "normal" conditions. When it is 100 plus in Myrtle Beach in the summer - additional retarder may be added if needed. Expect screen open time for 6-8 hours. White will want to dry quickest due to the high solids (TIO2) content. Unused catalyzed product kept refrigerated can get a useful life of weeks (days at room temp of 72f).
I imagine most printers are not using HSA on polyester unless they are printing for a customer that has PVC on their RSL. I know that you use a lot of water base and have really dialed in your processes for this chemistry - most have not. Generally, folks are using plastisol. The advantages of IMS Silicone over plastisol on 100% polyester performance wear are numerous: no worries of bleed; fantastic hand feel; breathable print (silicone is a vapor permeable surface - not a solid sheet like plastisol); unparalleled elasticity and memory. The last part is important. The silicone film will return to its original state; BR plastisols made for elongation, will not have 100% memory after stretched - likely leaving your garment distorted.
Sorry for the novel!

Hope some of this info is helpful. I will ask Terrie to contact you in the coming weeks.
Best, Rob