Ran this job today, and by some miracle managed to get every shirt around the press in one revolution. The only major issue I ran into was a slight "wavyness" in the royal about halfway through the run, but other than that the first shirt and the last shirt looked nearly identical. Took about a half day to set up (had to adjust and repop the black screen twice), and about a half hour to run 165 pieces. Now that we have it dialed in for the most part, I'm hoping we'll be able to cut the setup time significantly on reorders.
Still lots of room for improvement, and I have a long way to go before I'll be completely comfortable with WOW printing. In any case, it sure was cool to see the press firing on all cylinders, and was one hell of a learning experience.
Thanks again to everyone who chimed in on this. All the tips and tricks went to good use during the run.