Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
@blue moon Yes my 1400 is dedicated strictly for film printing and I will be using a BlackMax type system of all black inks. So do you feel I should not invest in a laser printer then?
do you already have the AccuRIP? If you don't, get a copy of T-RIP from Scott Fresner/T-Bz (check the banners up top for email). It is about $100 less and is a far superior product. It's what we use here and beats the other RIPs I tested.pierre
Man, Andy, been so long now I forgot about the need for Toner Aid to get em darker.
I don't have AccuRip yet but it was on the list and things I haven't gotten yet (trying to make the final push) are getting ordered tomorrow, hence my activity on here tonight. I will look at T-Rip! I mentioned AccuRip because it was the name I saw the most.