screen printing > Newbie

Cleaning a press

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One other thing to remember is test it somewhere on the paint where you cant see it. Different manufacturers use different types of paint and yours just might get eaten off with the tack and fuzz.

Definitely not spraying... nothing about that seems like a smart idea.

My buddy's printer was just telling me how it has built up in his ears to the point of not being able to hear!

Ok... so I picked up my press... Antec Legend 6/4 w/ Antec Forced Air Flash with Auto Base... for $1500!

It's got the fur. :)

I've sprayed some "Totally Awesome" on it and let it sit a sec and it did take it off. (it's a buck at the dollar general in a spray bottle... hard to beat that)   I let it stand for a min or so and came off pretty easy but I am spraying straight.  Not many uses that it recommends "straight"... most are 10:1 some are 5:1 dilution.

I sprayed some on the painted top and it does make the paper towel come off "pinkish"... but then again so does just straight rubbing with the paper towel... so maybe the adhesive has already caused the paint to "mix".

Anyone have any experience with this product?  How would you recommend using it?  If at all.

Denis Kolar:

--- Quote from: Gilligan on September 06, 2011, 10:58:01 PM ---Ok... so I picked up my press... Antec Legend 6/4 w/ Antec Forced Air Flash with Auto Base... for $1500!

--- End quote ---

Congrats on the press and the dryer. You will love both of them. I have the same set-up.
Mine was pretty clean so I do not know what to recommend. Contact Dave Peterson at Antec 800-552-6832, get the serial number from under the press and let him know. He will put you in the system and he will answer any questions you might have.

Good luck.

You could also use Xenon's FSIC.  Or even try straight 91% rubbing alcohol, I use that for a lot of stuff.


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