Author Topic: Benefits of 6/6 vs 6/4  (Read 6061 times)

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Benefits of 6/6 vs 6/4
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2011, 09:43:11 PM »

In all honesty, I might lean toward the latter. The extra $3000 will get you a conveyor dryer, which you definitely need. Trust me, I used a flash to start with also. You also get a decent exposure unit. I used that same one for a while. It worked great! I still keep mine as a back up to the MSP3140. Two extra stations, which is a very nice feature. AND no worries about what may or may not need to be replaced, cleaned, ructed bolts, etc.

My opinion, spend the money now and get yourself a nice small shop set up. Otherwise you will be looking for the other items soon.

I should have clarified... I'm also picking up a Chaparral 12' 24" dryer for $1200 (one of the three panels are bad.)  I have a 1k Metal Halide light (granted on a HPS ballast so who knows how long it will last)... that and a vacuum bag and I got an exposure unit (single point at that).

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Benefits of 6/6 vs 6/4
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2011, 09:48:42 PM »
The unit was underwater back in 2005... the auto base was replaced after that... he cleaned and regreased the unit.  The flash panel was later replaced about 2 years ago.

So far I've seen the flash swing but the panel is 220 and he didn't have 220 in the warehouse... but his office at the other end of the complex does. Hmm.. gonna have to make him hook that up.

Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: Benefits of 6/6 vs 6/4
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2011, 07:48:24 AM »
Antec legend is a great press, as you know. I have 6/4 that I got for $2000 with auto flash. Mine is 18 years-old and it still kicks a$$. No issues. Just call Dave at Antec and he'll hook you up with everything you need.
6/6 is a all-heads-down press that you can have 6 people working at the same time. I doubt you will ever need that, if you do, you'll probably have money for auto press and bigger dryer. Also, on 6/4 you can have 2 people working at the same time because you can have 2 diagonal heads down at the same time. (it is not all-heads-down but it is two-heads-down)

Good luck.