Post your (free) art request here. Copyrights must be owned by the person giving or trading. No clip art (in whole or in part) can be traded, loaned, posted for download or given to another person. Purchasing a clip art package does not give the buyer "copyright ownership" of the art. It only provides you with the ability to use it for as long as you like (for your own business).
You must have created the art yourself...or have paid an employee to create it for your own company.
Paying a freelancer does not grant ownership of art that you paid for. You must have negotiated payment and paid in full, agreed to full and complete right to the art for that price, the artist has then provided documentation that the art has been transferred over to you before you actually have ownership.
This website Theshirtboard ( will not be held liable for copyright infringement. Use at your own risk/discretion.