screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!
Where do you get your squeegee blade?
I used to buy all my blade from a young lady at the Atlantic City ISS show on the trade show floor. She would trade a coil of blade, did not matter the type, for a crisp $100 bill. Did not undersatnd what was going on until one night I saw her at the craps table and she said thanks for the lucky $100 I gave her that day.
Next day I went to her booth with 4 c-notes and walked away with 4 more coils. Asked her if she would take a CC for more at that price and she said nope, cash only deal for her 'samples'. I bet the boss never knew it happened.
Went on for 3 more years until another sales person was in the booth, boy I miss that deal.
Greg you smooth dog!! butter that gal up and hit her up 8)
So Greg, what do I get from you if I slip YOU a crisp hundred? ;D
--- Quote from: bimmridder on November 21, 2014, 03:39:22 PM ---So Greg, what do I get from you if I slip YOU a crisp hundred? ;D
--- End quote ---
4 20's.
Mr Tees!!:
Best answer EVER. Stealing that one!!!
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