Alan you need one with a minimal output of 100 screens a day, other wise you will find out you just wasted 15k. Again, take ROI calcs on this type of tech and toss them, they don't apply and you can't really know that, unfortunately, until you are using CTS in place of films, ask anyone with one, even though it's been stated a million times on this forum by various guys. Get a single head ST at the minimum. As you need more output, add the second, and then 3rd print head, which is easily done the way M&R has designed it. If you guys are doing that much business, you will see the benefit in the first week of use. At least with M&R, there is a money back guarantee, which you won't take advantage of, trust me. In your position, I'd get the STE2 and call it a day! Never worry about wondering if your LED unit is exposing properly, and when not doing water based screens, the light bar and super fast print, man, you'd be running that thing for less than an hour before closing up and have every set up for the next day read. There is your ROI plain and simple. You already have the mack daddy dryer, package a GT3 and and STE2, boom, SRI is kilin it! ;D