Author Topic: Dryer Installation  (Read 4745 times)

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Re: Dryer Installation
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2014, 10:05:43 PM »
Is there any easy way to tell if a dryer is set up for natural or propane gas?  I was told by the previous owner that it had been converted to run on propane, but just want to be sure before moving forward.

Found these on the internet -
If you can get a good look at the orifice,look at the hole size.Natural has a hole that is usually around the size of the tip of a pen,while lp is smaller.There also should be a number on the orifice.This will tell you the orifice size which you can either compare to the other one(if you know what type of gas it uses).To be sure of the correct orifice,call the manufacturer and ask what size they use for lp and natural,that way there is no guessing.Btw just sniffing to see what has been used doesnt mean the correct gas was used,just trying can have bad results if its set up for nat and you use lp.

You cannot te unless you are sure you know what you are looking at. If they have a regulator on them you might see a piece on it that says PRO or NAT that is one way.
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Re: Dryer Installation
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2014, 11:19:13 PM »
I`m not sure about the Adelco dryers, but on our dryer we can very simply change from Propane to Natural Gas. It just takes a few simple changes on the burner set up. So even if something on the burner or the regulator says Propane you might want to make sure that that is really the case. On our burner it says for example LPG but it was set to burn NG on our request.

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Re: Dryer Installation
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2014, 08:23:58 AM »
Thanks guys, will look into those things now and see what I can come up with.  I got a hold of the service manual for the dryer and there is a regulator missing which is needed to run propane, so it seems the conversion was not done after all.

And for those wondering about the Kornits, they were long gone by the time I got there. Or I would have bought them myself.  ;D
Squeegee Science
Fort Lauderdale, FL