Industry regulations > CPSIA Section 103 - Tracking Labels

Do you put a tracking label on youth apparel not printed for the trade?

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I actually sent you a note last week about letting me into the politics board.  I figured you got busy with paying work( I can't blame you).

Hey, the tea party is all about smaller, less intrusive government.  After going to a number of tea party rallies, I can tell you that we are very peaceful and very clean as well.  It's more of just a hang out and show your support for a smaller government movement.  The things being yelled at us were pretty bad though, we just ignored it as a group and moved on.

For all of the hatred aimed at the tea party, I have not seen anything that warrants that sort of attacks from the media.  It is all from Alinksy's "rules for radicals,"  first you must vilify your opponents.

It's propaganda against the tea party, pure and simple..... "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed"--Adolf Hitler

You know what? You're right (at least about opting in) and I even remember typing in your screen name as soon as I got your PM. Why it didn't take, I don't know, but it will be quickly rectified, and you can then start posting this stuff there.

I voted and the poll looked like this:


rotate 90 degrees CCW and it seems appropriate.


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