screen printing > Screen Making

Chinese made mesh

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I noticed a company in Ca who sells mesh at real low prices. I emailed and verified it is made in China. I got the specs and they match sefar specs. Anyone buy and use this mesh? What are your thoughts?

I believe that at least some Sefar comes from China.

The Chinese invented screen printing about 2000 years ago, ya would think they would get at least that right????????? :P
talk about full circle

We get calls and emails from companies all the time that have the 'best' deals on mesh. While the open area, thread diameter and mesh counts are the same, they are usually not a low elongation mesh - which means they will just keep stretching and stretching until there is no tension on them. You'll probably get frustrated with the cheaper stuff in very little time.

If you need a more cost effective way of doing it, check out products like Sefar's eMesh or Saati B-Side fabric... We've extensively tested both and had good results. Actually, Sefar eMesh is what we are using as one of the fabrics for our relaunch of our E-Con line of fabric panels... Ooops, did I just let that slip out?


--- Quote from: shurloc on August 29, 2011, 11:41:41 AM ---they are usually not a low elongation mesh - which means they will just keep stretching and stretching until there is no tension on them. You'll probably get frustrated with the cheaper stuff in very little time.

--- End quote ---

Yep! The chin mesh is cheap for a reason, it's real duty is filtration. You tension and tension and tension and what's happening is the thread is becoming thinner and thinner. So not only is your tension always shifting, your mesh opening is increasing over time before it ends up popping on press mid run.

Stick with a brand name mesh and keep piece of mind. 


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