Author Topic: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question  (Read 4097 times)

Offline ZooCity

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CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:46:09 PM »
I am about to revamp how we catalog our art files and also what info is printed on screens.  We have an entry level CTS system we're installing later in the month but will also be using film for 10-15% of our jobs.

Currently we put screen info on the top corner of all films near a crosshair/reg mark, like so:

1962 1of1 FRONT
180 2/1R HVP
WFX Matte Black

My question for CTS users is what info do you assign on screens using CTS, if any, and how do you go about it?  There are some situations where ink info could get silly, such as those jobs with 10 color changes on one image or jobs that repeat in various colorways.  But ink info is really nice for sim pro jobs and regular spot jobs without color changes and the like. 

Revisions can be an issue to, I don't particularly want to be going back into art files to reset type in the info box if we decide to go with a 225 v. a 180 on a reprint run. 

I'm sure much of this will become clear once we actually start using the CTS's RIP, Harlequin in this case but I want to prep ahead of time.

Thanks in advance.

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 04:57:49 PM »
In my template for the I-Image, top left corner. I label each color and spot it out at the color it's for. No need for reg marks, so I never print a reg mark on any screen. The template gives you an exact idea of where you are printing so that area way up top always has a band of tape over it before press. I'll post a pic of a jobbed screen. I'll usually, "for on press use only" label the screens by job name, order in which it should be loaded in case I'm not the one loading the job, the color, and even the distance that image is printing from the edge of the shirt collar in case it's a non standard load. someone can at least always look at a screen and see almost all the on press job specs on each screen top left corner, put what ever you want up there, a smiley face to brighten someone's day,  ;D
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 05:11:25 PM »
I don't think you should lose your sounds good, but if you are ever gonna have a new employee, I would keep them.  I still print them even with CTS and yes...there are times when you need them.  Don't believe the hype of YOU NEVER NEED TO REGISTER AGAIN, not true.  It will be less, but NOTHING is perfect every time.
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Offline mk162

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 05:12:53 PM »
we put regi-marks on sim process jobs...not on spot color jobs...t

Offline ZooCity

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 05:27:25 PM »
We put regis on all but all are blocked out with CCI Aqua block before going to press so they aren't used on the press in lining up prints.  We run too much WB to mess around with blocking out on press after lining up and top taping once ink has been in the screens is incredibly time consuming. 

I won't print reg marks on CTS, can't see a reason for that...dirk do your guys have issues just microing in by eye to the print?  All my ops here are comfy with it, I was the one who needed some adjustment moving away from reg marks.

So our film regis are just there to pin the films to the carriers in correct position and alignment.  We currently use Newman Pin Loc.  Will continue using the pin loc for film (considering replacing film alignment with an upside down tri loc master frame/fpu style setup though), CTS for anything we can and lining it all up on press with a tri loc jig.  Quite a mutt in some ways for pre press but should work smoothly overall.

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 06:16:45 PM »
I don't think you should lose your sounds good, but if you are ever gonna have a new employee, I would keep them.  I still print them even with CTS and yes...there are times when you need them.  Don't believe the hype of YOU NEVER NEED TO REGISTER AGAIN, not true.  It will be less, but NOTHING is perfect every time.

Gone without them for 2 years brotha! Then again I'm the one lining the jobs up though  ;D
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline ebscreen

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 06:32:30 PM »
How is one sure that sim-process type jobs are in register without reg marks?

Offline ZooCity

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2014, 06:39:59 PM »
How is one sure that sim-process type jobs are in register without reg marks?

We just eyeball it.  There also is typically some reference point in the art.  If there's not I may have them reg up using marks and then blockout but that's very rare.  I find it way easier to reg sim pro personally but maybe that's just me.

Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2014, 06:59:18 PM »
I am old school, I can do it without registration marks in the dark with one hand, but if my employee needs them they are there. ;)
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Offline bimmridder

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 10:01:54 PM »
What are these registration marks you speak of?
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2014, 10:31:39 AM »
I don't think you should lose your sounds good, but if you are ever gonna have a new employee, I would keep them.  I still print them even with CTS and yes...there are times when you need them.  Don't believe the hype of YOU NEVER NEED TO REGISTER AGAIN, not true.  It will be less, but NOTHING is perfect every time.

We do not print regi marks here as we don't see a need

Here's what I will say about registration in MY SHOP...... The key to me is having a person running the dts that you can trust, for me that's easy because it's my brother. I can count on him loading the screens into the dts correctly and making sure the registration shift does not occur there. On press there's somethings I've learned about locking tri lock pallet down, how to bump screens to it, etc..... And I will say IN MY SHOP we rarely have to micro because of this. When my press ops line up jobs with the pallet sometimes they are out, I go to the press unlock everything and setup with pallet and boom it's in registration most of the time. If you look at the job I posted today in whats been printed lately that was no adjustments to any micros.... What you see is what was setup with tri lock pallet. And the last thing I will add is our shop record we went 4 days straight on both autos without touching a micro. During those 4 days I ran close to 50 setups so for the most part in my shop we have figured out how to use the equipment where we rarely micro. Yes we have to micro but its a tiny tweak here and there and never takes us more then a few minutes. Guys that aren't having good luck with dts/tri lock need to look at how they do everything and figure out the problem because I will say we have damn great results......
Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2014, 10:38:02 AM »
You have to have a freakin' tight system. A CTS won't guarantee prefect registration. Good pre press, good press, good screens, good art, good people. You need the entire package.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 12:07:32 AM by bimmridder »
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2014, 11:10:27 AM »
I don't think you should lose your sounds good, but if you are ever gonna have a new employee, I would keep them.  I still print them even with CTS and yes...there are times when you need them.  Don't believe the hype of YOU NEVER NEED TO REGISTER AGAIN, not true.  It will be less, but NOTHING is perfect every time.

We do not print regi marks here as we don't see a need

Here's what I will say about registration in MY SHOP...... The key to me is having a person running the dts that you can trust, for me that's easy because it's my brother. I can count on him loading the screens into the dts correctly and making sure the registration shift does not occur there. On press there's somethings I've learned about locking tri lock pallet down, how to bump screens to it, etc..... And I will say IN MY SHOP we rarely have to micro because of this. When my press ops line up jobs with the pallet sometimes they are out, I go to the press unlock everything and setup with pallet and boom it's in registration most of the time. If you look at the job I posted today in whats been printed lately that was no adjustments to any micros.... What you see is what was setup with tri lock pallet. And the last thing I will add is our shop record we went 4 days straight on both autos without touching a micro. During those 4 days I ran close to 50 setups so for the most part in my shop we have figured out how to use the equipment where we rarely micro. Yes we have to micro but its a tiny tweak here and there and never takes us more then a few minutes. Guys that aren't having good luck with dts/tri lock need to look at how they do everything and figure out the problem because I will say we have damn great results......

Danny this just blew my mind. Even with tight screens, good art set up, and making sure all three corners are put in the i-image correctly, we are still having to do slight micros on even the simplest of multi color jobs. Granted we just learned how to use the tri lock like a week ago...but still something to aspire too
Night Owls
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2014, 11:30:10 AM »
If you don't have reg marks how can you be sure they are PERFECTLY in register? ;)

*Just being academic... if it' looks good, it looks good!*

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: CTS / DTS Workflow and labeling question
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2014, 11:40:02 AM »
gotta git me some of Dave's good screns   ;D
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803