screen printing > Separations

1st time doing Index Seps...please take it easy on me!!! lol

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Great job for as first timer! Sure it was way better than anything I could have done.

I'm already behind the 8 on this as when I opened the original file, I'm missing fonts  ;D

That 150 res thing I heard many yrs ago. Almost had a fist fight with my old artist when we got into it about his index seps for a facial tone job, told him flat out i need more detail.. it's already at 150 bro, how much more do you need.. gimme 200 -225! WhaaaatTTT!!! It'll never work.. arg blah blah blah.. 2 hours later i had a new set of seps at 200 and our index work improved overnight. We did some more testing and went as high as 240 before we started losing some detail due to SBQ emulsion. i'm sure with some diazo based we could have held and printed a 250 res file with ease. It's amazing how well an index prints, it's getting the inks to work in harmony that makes you pull your hair out.

I have a few links to articles/tutes on this

Perhaps they will offer some help, and perhaps some of out resident experts can critique them.

That Jimiyo link is an amazing tutorial.  I had only done a few index seps and while they had come out ok, I knew I could do much better. 

First time I read it, it confirmed a lot I had thought about and taught me a few new things as well.


--- Quote from: Frog on August 28, 2011, 10:31:30 AM ---I have a few links to articles/tutes on this

--- End quote ---

Thanks Andy.. I was supposed to burn screens this AM.. now I'm on my 2nd cup of coffe and page two of Jimiyo's tut  ;D
Good Stuff!!

Thanks!  8)

I have only read parts of jimiyo's tut. It looks pretty good. I do want to note, that I clicked on the link where he refers to another site that tells more about indexing (at top).

That is a company that sells a product that is strictly designed to do automated indexing. That is fine. Anything to speed up the process. The information (almost all of it) is only written to benefit the sale of the product. Sort of like a supplier selling you THIS product and telling you it's the best, all the while, it's the only one he has available to sell.


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