bringing this back
I was able to make some screens last week and this was actually a great way to exposure test my screens. As I'm using SBQ emulsion, exposing up to the point of detail loss helped me dial in my 305 mesh exposure.
Using this tonal image, I was able to shoot for 3.5 light units and hold some of the 1% dots. It even printed on the shirt. The 90% tonal range was kind of a wash as were some other areas but I was amazed at my ability to hold and print just about the entire tonal range.
Since we don't have any gildans in the shop I'm not able to get the shirt to Pierre this week.
However.. while in cleveland this week I'll put this on screen and do another print using their equipment and emulsion to try and replicate.
I left the test print at the shop and didn't take a pic so i'll have to post that when I get back.
Ho have the rest of you made out with your testing?