Artist > General Art Discussions

Like old times...Sunday vid...Random Vid thread...add yours.


You's all good.

Post up art cats.  I like this a brotha out.

Took a break from the table to do a cruise today...not much editing but fun.

Nice.  It's cool to get a look see at the world of those on the other side of the computer screen.

I liked that old bug we had was it a killer in the winter.  Heater sucked and....because it sucked...I typically had a small peep hole to view the road for the first 20 min. after scrapping the window, it would freeze up again while on the road. haha.  You wouldn't know about that would you?

My first one was when my Mom bought one brand new in like 1976 er something. I remember one winter day it iced over everything. The car was caked in a sheet of crystal ice.  I went out and enjoyed bouncing a hammer off of the hood to crack that ice and watch is slide off the car down that sloping hood. Fun stuff. I was almost done with the hood and excited to start the top of the car when... she came out screaming!  I'm like Wha?  whats wrong?

I've always said that I love your cars. Real hand drawn stuff.



--- Quote from: lemorris on April 17, 2011, 11:04:29 PM ---You's all good.

Post up art cats.  I like this a brotha out.

Took a break from the table to do a cruise today...not much editing but fun.

--- End quote ---

The cars were nice, the people all looked happy and friendly.... even the servers, the food sounds real good too! BUT I think I'm going to have to put Bubbs Grub on my list of places I MUST go just to have a Bloody Mary!!!! DANG!!!  :o ;D


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