Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Royster your one good guy or have a fat bank account, I'm not in the biz of giving away product to many people here would line up at my door if I even thought about being nice like that.darryl
We have a couple of small orders that the customer never came to pick up, and I'm sick of it taking up my shelf space. What's your policy on this? How long do you keep stuff, and how do you cover your ass should the customer ever ever show up? Do you include it in email notices, and how do you word it?Case in point, one order of 12, 1-color prints, deposit paid, goods printed....due date came and went ( supposedly for an event, but no date on the shirts themselves). Still owes half. I could use the test prints, but need to CYA.