I've been messing around with some LED strip lamps.... with the hope of converting my metal halide exposure unit.
Currently I'm using 5050 SMD that emit 395-405 n/m. I think it will take about $125 of lamps and maybe $50 for a 12 volt power supply.
-- I've observed, it's important to not overdrive the lamps (keep the voltage at 12vdc, that's the rating on strip lamps that cluster 3 to a circuit).
-- My lamps are set on the strip 5/8" apart, so I'm planning on laying the strips 5/8" apart.
-- To build a field suitable to expose a 23 x 31 screen it would take about 1800 lamps (30 meters of strip).
-- I have no idea how far away from the glass to mount the lamps, but a little trial and error should solve that. I'll start about 4 inches away.
My primary goal is to get rid of the start up time required with metal halide.... and the re-strike time if you shut it off.
But, shorter exposure time would be great (especially if the cure is complete on screens with a thicker coating.. like 2x2 on a 120)